Help you see your progress
You have made so much progress that you cannot see because you are zoomed in on every little detail of your life. Take a moment to reflect on your life so far. Think about all the things that you did that you were proud of, that you enjoyed, that you shifted through your own power and choice. Take the credit for a job well done. Or imagine giving your inner child a hug and saying you’re so proud of them.
Celebrate your wins
What areas have you made progress in? Take a moment to celebrate everything you’ve accomplished.
Many times we judge our missteps as losses or failures. How can you acknowledge the difficulty and emotions around a situation, but reframe it as a win and not a loss?
What have your failures taught you about yourself?
Where do you need more support?
Take a moment to accept that you can't be good at everything. And then see how you can possibly get help in the areas you aren't that great in.
Send yourself all the love! You’re doing the best you can with what you’ve been given.